Gathering Work Trip update from Mark Hudson:
Sorry, on my phone so I can’t get to the original post, but we do have a work trip scheduled for Monday, October 14.
  • We will need a small crew for the Virginia Creeper Trailhead in Abingdon.
  • We will be sending a larger crew to Taylor’s Valley to help with debris cleanup. Bring work gloves, if you have waders or water boots, or a chance of shoes and clothes as we’ll need some crew actually working IN the creek.

October 25-27 Work Trip from John Jordan:

So let’s do another work trip! Let’s make this one a big one! I would love to have 50 people attend!
Date: Friday October 25th 5pm til Sunday October 27th til 5 pm.
Where: Base Camp at Boots Off Hostel in Hampton, TN. We will be serving multiple hostels within the area: Boots Off, Uncle Johnny’s, Kinkora, Mountain Harbor and more.
I will need people who can lead teams. I’m not sure right now all that we will have to do but I wanted to get the date on the calendar so everyone can start planning. More details will follow.
Please sign up at the link below:

ALDHA Care exists to support and care for hostels along the Appalachian Trail whose primary purpose is to to give lodging and other support to hikers at a reasonable cost. Most of the hostels, don’t exist to make a profit but rather operate because they love hikers and have a desire to serve.

ALDHA Care attempts to serve and care for the hostels in the following ways:

an annual gift of cleaning product or another item.
donate money and recruit volunteers for small, needed work projects.
recruit volunteers for short-term staff help during the extremely busy seasons.

Donations are always needed to make this program spectacular!

Volunteers are needed! If you are interested, please contact John Jordan.

All ALDHA Volunteers must complete a volunteer waiver form (Download Here).

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